The Brothers Brick

Come and explore this epic LEGO Futuron moon base

Classic LEGO space isn’t just limited to blue spaceships with yellow canopies, you know. It may be the longest-lived and most recognizable of the many Space sub-themes, but as LegoMathijs proves, a build can be just as awe-inspiring in the Futuron setting! Futuron was the first Space theme to get its own moniker. It’s also where the iconic 6990 Monorail Transport System is from. So it’s perhaps no surprise to find these familiar monorail tracks in Terra Station Z too.

But that’s not the only cool detail here – this place is jam-packed with them!

Let’s start by going around the back. We get a good view of the monorails, as well as a landing pad with a rather nifty little craft on it. The exposed Technic bricks give the base a really nice utilitarian feel.

Up top, we can get a closer look at some of the detailing on the base’s exterior. This is all over the place and it gives an added sense of realism. Real spacecraft have pipes and wires going every which way, so it’s no surprise to find the same outside here!

The interior is no different beneath those glorious trans-blue quarter dome panels (also a feature of 6990 Monorail Transport System). This seems to be some sort of mining or research facility.

That minifigure with the binoculars must be the shift supervisor, as he seems to be keeping an eye on some of the mining happening outside. Those angular cockpits look the business, don’t they? The tiny spacecraft uses the same part and is very cool, but this crane rover is no slouch itself.

That’s only a selection of some of LegoMathijs’ epic base; be sure to check out his photostream for more cool details!

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