The Brothers Brick

Cruising the Star Wars galaxy with my homie, Grogu

If you haven’t seen the season finale of The Book of Boba Fett then give this LEGO ship by Alex Jones a like or a heart and move on without reading ahead. But be sure to catch it when you can. If you have seen it then oh boy! A couple of episodes back when Peli revealed the refurbished N-1 Starfighter she was working on for Mando we got just a little taste of foreshadowing. Seeing the pre-Empire ship was cool enough in itself. It was admittedly not the replacement for the Razorcrest Mando had hoped for at first but with it being souped-up and off-the-grid like a refurbished one-of-a-kind classic hot rod, he warmed up to it. However, the bubble dome in place of where an Astromech would go… clued us in that someday Grogu would sit there. Fast forward to the last scene of the final episode and we were served a heaping albeit adorable helping of fan service!

If you’ve seen the show, then join in on all the excitement to see what other builders have done in The Book of Boba Fett archives.

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