The Brothers Brick

AL-SPSS-N9 Spessar redefines striking darkness

A prolific name in the realm of LEGO mecha is Lu Sim. His mecha present functional articulation, compact cockpits and a ton of character. Each one holds its own in originality and portrays a definite omnipresence. Lu’s latest titled “AL-SPSS-N9 Spessar” is an excellent example. Supported by a predominantly black and dark bluish grey frame, the encasing armour has been completed in a brilliant use of trans-neon/trans orange elements.

Lu has never shied away from striking colour use, as seen in previous mechs such as HAVOC and GIGAS_Phase 2. Taking a haul from the Nexo-Knights range to be sure, he has produced something more than just noticeable. His use of the 13-stud length sword, hinged at each wrist, is a terrifying set of weapons, though barely detectable when folded away.

There is some great parts use in the helm, consisting of a ski, a Minifig visor, 1×2 tiles and 1×1 tooth plates.

Underneath that menacing helm and armored breastplate lies the cockpit, in which the unknown driver sits waiting for deployment. Dressed all in black, the pilot perfectly mirrors the same intensity of his mech, albeit a less translucent tone.

For a look at another incredible orange mech from Lu’s repertoire, check out his

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