The Brothers Brick

From the Cairngorms to your own home, build the wildlife of Scotland [Instructions]

Earlier this month, we wrote about Brick to the Past‘s huge Scottish diorama, The Jacobite Risings,  a build taking 10 months and using 1 million bricks. Within this creation spanning 16 square metres, were some adorable, microscale models of the Scottish wildlife found in the Cairngorms. Brick to the past have provided instructions so you can build your own Osprey, Deer, Capercaillie and Black Grouse.

Osprey are a bird of prey and returned from extinction within the UK to make their home in the Cairngorms.

The Red Deer is Scotland’s largest wild land mammal.

Capercaillies are a game bird (the biggest grouse more specifically) and 80% of their population live within the Cairgorms National Park.

Male Black Grouse are all-black in colour,with a distinctive red wattle over their eye.

To learn more about these animals and their places within the model, head over to Brick to the Past’s instruction page, full of facts and images of the actual real life versions.

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