The Brothers Brick

Crawler Town brings the city to you!

Canadian builder Dave DeGobbi has created a massive, steampunk-inspired creation that takes a small city and puts it on a mobile platform! The idea is crazy enough to work both in concept and execution. This creation is supposedly a luxury resort set in a post-apocalyptic world. What wouldn’t I pay for a trip to this exotic paradise?

While the size is the most impressive aspect of this LEGO build at first glance, a closer inspection is rewarded with lots of really fun detail all over the town. Entertainment for wealthy guests is provided by airplane races, with a short runway for the planes to take off from and racks of planes hanging from underneath the grandstand.

The town area is full of life, featuring highly varied buildings in a variety of colors, complete with an air traffic control tower to direct the airplane races.

Check out the full gallery on Flickr.

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