The Brothers Brick

The sad tale of Sir Warick the Overconfident

Ahead of Brickvention this year, LEGO Certified Professional Ryan “The Brickman” McNaught, challenged his team of builders to build whatever they wanted. Team member Mark jumped at the opportunity and built this magnificent scene dominated by a giant dragon. And while the dragon is the first thing you’ll notice, this creation really presents the story of a knight, Sir Warick. Or at least the final chapter in his story. I promise you he’s there, just look at the end of the beautiful spout of fiery dragon breath.

Every part of this creation is a masterpiece though. The landscaped base is just the sort of desolate place to find such a beast. The dragon is fearsome and strong but also sculpted in a way that looks organic and natural. Just look at the fine use of curved slopes on its face.

I’m particularly fond of how the 1×2 notched slopes are used for spines or horns protruding all over the dragon’s body. Most incredible though is the fire itself. Such an impressive look was made with some of the simplest pieces, regular LEGO plates in various translucent colours. Sculpt them just right and insert a light inside and – voila – you have made fire!

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