The Brothers Brick

A mech that breaks the rules

When I see one of Marcoi Marozzi‘s mechs, I know I’m in for a bit of fun while I try and track down the unusual LEGO parts involved in the construction. In the Hyd.ra 5k Medium Mech I started looking for the piece used in the head, and found it to be Hero Factory shoulder armor. The rounder bits of plating are sourced from Star Wars big-fig parts. Even the feet are a deep cut, this time from the Throwbot line. But that arm gun threw me. There were parts in there I just didn’t recognize. Shockingly, Marcoi has moved from “just” using custom stickers to enhance their builds to using non-LEGO parts.

The LEGO purist in me rebels at this. But it’s hard to argue that the results look pretty darn sweet. I guess every once in a while you just need to break the rules.

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