The Brothers Brick

Wherever Tatra T-813 goes, it needs no roads

Tatra trucks, the legendary Czech heavy-duty vehicles, are extremely popular among LEGO builders of the most various genres. Because of the machines’ featureless exterior the goal of building a remarkable Tatra has shifted towards its inner mechanisms and chassis. Paweł Kmieć (aka Sariel) rolls out a fantastic 1:18 replica of Tatra T-813 8×8 Kolos stuffed with amazing engineering solutions.

Even though the truck looks massive, it’s no wider than 17 LEGO studs (about 5.5 in). Fitting a fully functional 8×8 drivetrain and suspension that works just like in the real Tatra truck is a tough challenge in this case. Pictures of the front axles reveals how compact and efficient the structure is.

But building a military truck with no additional features would be just boring. Paweł added some LEDs in the headlights and blinking LEGO 9V lights on the roof, while there are a couple of LEDs more in the back.

The best way to check out the work of the suspension is a video featuring a hamster, of course!

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