The Brothers Brick

Science Fact vs Science Fiction

I admit. I couldn’t decide which of the two I wanted to blog, so I went with both. Ryan (eldeeem) posted two amazing space creations recently, and they demand to be seen.

Let’s to with science fiction first. Ryan posted the latest addition to the Starfighter Telephone game with his contribution, the Nata V.II:

Nata V.II | Open

I just can’t say no to those curves and colors.

For science fact, Ryan’s posted this stunning commission for the University of Colorado Boulder. According to the description, this will be on display mid-September. The build features the Apollo 11 service module, nicknamed Columbia. This module, commanded by Neil Armstrong, brought he and fellow crewmates Michael Collins and Buzz Aldrin to the moon 45 years ago this past July.

So. Here’s the question: Science Fact or Science Fiction? Which is your favorite?

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