The Brothers Brick

BrickMania M4A3 Sherman Tank custom kit now available for pre-order [News]

Dan Siskind of BrickMania has just announced that his next custom kit is available for pre-order — the M4A3(76)W VVSS Sherman Tank.

I’d never bought any custom LEGO kits from somebody else, but I bought two of Dan’s kits a few months ago.

I couldn’t have been more pleased. They’re well-designed, interesting to build (well, except maybe the tank treads, heh heh), and a lot of fun to see how another LEGO builder solves interior structure problems you’d never see in a photo.

Though the printed instructions for the two kits I ordered were $10 more expensive, I found them harder to read than the electronic version on a CD.

If you’re reading this, you probably have a computer, so I recommend taking the cheaper, more legible route.

You can pre-order your own Sherman from

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