The Brothers Brick

Floating up to the city in the sky

Far from Norman Greenbaum’s lyrics but still suiting the rhythm, this futuristic flying city by Builder Umbra-Manis certainly looks like a paradise all its own. A microscale aircraft sits on one side of the city’s extended air-docks, leading into a thick, walled courtyard. Trees exposed to the open air line the exterior of the platforms, using brown claws with green flower studs attached to the versatile, hexagonal NEXO Knights plates which make up the structure’s base. Nice parts usage certainly abounds in this model. Minifigure rollerskates with trans-yellow tombstone plates, as I call them, make great little courier vessels which enter the city and circle its interior. The sculpting and coloration of the buildings make me feel like I’m playing a LEGO version of a Ratchet and Clank level which is nothing to complaing about.

The underside shows just how this city stays in the air, though I can’t imagine it was launched this way. Whether or not this was dropped into its orbit or it climb to these heights on its own, this floating complex certainly makes for an awe-inspiring structure. Umbra-Manis’ techniques are definitely worthy of applause in such a delightful example of microscale scifi city building.

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