The Brothers Brick

Locked up in Tower #7

Continuing his series of architecture inspired designs, builder F@bz adds this futuristic tower. Suitable for a scene from a superhero movie, the multiple levels are created with the clever use of Minifigure handcuff pieces. Layered on top of each other and overlapping between levels around the structure, the cuffs are nestled as close together as they can. This repetition leads to a satisfying result, especially when contrasted with the colorful, picturesque landscape of the base. The well-manicured hedges and trees line either side of a pink and gold road leading right up to the ground floor of the tower.

The rear view of the display is relatively plain, with a single translucent blue section going up the length of the tower. A closely clustered collection of cones (alliteration much?) represent a closely growing tree line that goes from the front of the tower to the back. There it lines a small green lawn that runs to the edge of the base.

I have to say, I love the parts usage here. I didn’t bother counting but I’m sure there are quite a few handcuffs in front of all of that translucent blue. However many there are, they sure do look great.

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