The Brothers Brick

Hang in there, gas stations. We’ll need you in Valhalla!

The apocalypse didn’t happen quite as we had expected. Most of us have the masks and social distancing down pat, but when is it appropriate to start wearing spiked shoulder pads and warpaint? I mean, will shouting “witness me!” while spraying chrome paint over my teeth whisk me away to glorious Valhalla, or will it just make me look foolish at a Starbucks? I really want to do right by this apocalypse thing. I can assure you, the last thing I want is to look foolish at Starbucks while ordering a pumpkin spice latte. This LEGO abandoned garage by Kai/Geneva reminds me that this has been more of a stay home, stay safe and watch Netflix kind of apocalypse. I do hope that they hang in there, though.

While I have not visited a gas station in nearly three months, there may come a time when we’ll have rage-fueled war convoys, and when that happens, we’ll need all the gas we can get. So hang in there, please! Someday, when apocalyptic fashion dictates, I may outfit my little Beetle with truck tires and steel girders and wreak bloody havoc on the Fury Road…or to Whole Foods to pick up some kale and quinoa. You know, the impulse items.

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