The Brothers Brick

Retro Transformer goodness

I remember when the first wave of Transformers reached the US; these toys were an instant must-have for everyone I knew. (And woe betide anyone who got to Toys-R-Us a few minutes late and had to settle for the not-quite-as-cool “Go-Bots” toys.) Alex Jones (aka Orion Pax) has been transporting us to those good times with a selection of Generation 1 Transformers, and he’s back with another round of stellar creations. Each model is a combination of clever building techniques and detailing, with a bonus of great retro presentation.

This is not the first time we’ve seen an amazing LEGO version of Bumblebee from Alex. (Has it really been ten years?) This upgraded 2019 version makes use of a lot of parts that weren’t around in 2009. Bumblebee’s vehicle mode is clearly based on LEGO set 10252 Volkswagen Beetle. There are a few design tweaks, but the beetle’s shaping is instantly recognizable. The yellow recolor alone would be impressive enough, but the fact that it transforms as well? That’s just nutty levels of awesome.

Alex didn’t stop there, though. There’s a giant selection of transforming goodness!

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