The Brothers Brick

Iron Man got his start somewhere

With Avengers: Endgame now in theatres, many fans have been looking back to the roots of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) before watching the latest installment. As his own tribute to the first movie in the series, Patrick B. built a memorable scene from 2008’s Iron Man, the first movie in the MCU. Here you see the cave in Afghanistan where Tony Stark built the first Iron Man suit with the help of Ho Yinsen.

The cave is littered with various pieces of technology, storage, and trash, all created using interesting parts combinations, or printed and stickered elements. The backdrop is constructed appropriately grittily, with the mixed brick and plate simulating a ramshackle wall and magic wands, droid arms, carrot stems, and whips pushing through as tree roots, making the structure look a bit unstable. The half-built Mark 1 Iron Man suit is a real gem; take a look and see what pieces you can see used in unconventional ways as different aspects of the suit of armour.

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