The Brothers Brick

Business is budding at Bricks & Blooms

Sometimes I wish I could water my LEGO collection, give it some sunlight, and watch it grow. After harvesting the bricks, I would build this beautiful garden centre designed and rendered by Bricked1980. It fits right in with the LEGO Group’s existing series of modular buildings. The builder has made excellent use of color, with vibrant green vines and shrubbery set against the architecture’s earth tones and white trim. I particularly like the sunflower hanging above the entrance, as well as the use of lime green minifigure afro hair for topiary bushes

Details extends to the back of the building, which features an outdoor gardening section with a water fountain and plenty of decorative plants. A staircase leads to a cafe on the second floor.

The cafe is a happening place, complete with a busy kitchen. If the stack full of dirty dishes by the sink is any indication, business is booming.

For those wanting to add a pond to their garden, the third floor is stocked with aquaculture. You can buy a pair of frogs or a school of koi fish. Cats love them, too!

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