The Brothers Brick

Bruce Lowell: Staple of the LEGO community

If the creation below doesn’t have you quoting Milton from the movie Office Space, then there’s something wrong with you! After seeing an earlier stapler design by Jimmy Fortel, the amazingly talented Bruce Lowell decided to adapt it to take advantage of the fact that LEGO bucket handles are now available in gray.

Fun movie fact: Originally, Swingline never made red staplers. The movie’s makers had to paint one red. But after the movie’s success, so many people bugged Swingline about it that they eventually did started producing red ones!

If you’re not familiar with Bruce’s work – which focuses on realistic versions of everyday objects – then you really need to check it out. To get you started, here is a tasty roundup of some of the things that Bruce produced over this past summer:


(…no, I’m not suggesting Koala’s are tasty; but I have tried barbequed Kangaroo, and it was delicious!)

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