The Brothers Brick

The Confessor comes for sinners’ souls

The latest mecha from Mark Stafford (Nabii) is named simply “6600M Confessor”:

It’s no secret by now that Mark is one of several LEGO fans who’ve joined The LEGO Group recently as set designers. (Others include Pierre Normandin, Jamie Berard, and Adam Grabowski.) Mark’s set design credits so far include several Exo-Force sets, Mission 3: Gold Hunt, Mission 6: Mobile Command Center, and MT-201 Ultra-Drill Walker.

Even though building with LEGO has now become his day job, it’s wonderful that Mark still finds time to churn out awesome creations of his own at home. As to this creation in particular, that’s one big freakin’ gun! The canopies on the shoulder work very well, and the well-proportioned limbs make mecha-building look easier than it actually is.

Check out MOCPages for more pictures and commentary.

(Via Young Spacers.)

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