The Brothers Brick

This micro Mount Rushmore is monumentally beautiful

Located in South Dakota and finished in 1941, Mount Rushmore is one of the most iconic U.S. monuments. It depicts the busts of four famous American presidents, including George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln. It’s an excellent candidate for modeling in LEGO, such as this beautiful microscale layout built by Rocco Buttliere. Rocco has gone the extra mile by building the visitor center, rows of state flags, and the surrounding terrain. It’s a sight to behold, and I bet it looks even more impressive in person.

Each president’s head was painstakingly sculpted with LEGO elements. Each head is properly angled to match the real thing. Helmets with white flower elements inside make for expressive eyes, and minifigure beards are cleverly used to form Teddy Roosevelt’s iconic mustache.

The foot of the sculpture even features plenty of light gray and tan elements to form the leftover “rubble.”

The view from the top of the monument is equally spectacular.

Here’s a closer look at the visitor center and path leading to the viewing area.

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