The Brothers Brick

Thou shall not pass!

Seen at any angle, this moment in time captured by Eero Okkonen is astonishing! Eero is known for his character builds, but takes it a step further by embodying them in a scene where tension between two swordsmen is captured in time.

The facial expression, the details on the sheath of the Shogun’s Katana, the blossoming sakura (cherry) trees in the background — I don’t even know where to begin! If there’s just one thing I must point out, it’s really the pose of the lone warrior guarding the path. What’s not said in the frame is what pulls us in. What or who is he protecting? There’s so much expressed in this scene that you will need to really take a deeper look and appreciate and absorb all of it.

You seldom get to understand what happens behind the scenes, but not for this. Read up on Eero’s thoughts and process in creating this masterpiece on his blog.

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