The Brothers Brick

Announcing the Speeder Bike Contest ’16 [News]

It’s shaping up to be a busy month for contests this February with TBB’s Space Chefs, LUGNuts 100th challenge, and of course the annual FebROVERary challenge. And now there’s one more addition to the collective building pot:

It’s been four years since the last Speeder Bike Contest, which I remember well …mainly because I didn’t have time to take part, and was going to do the next one. It took 4 years, but Cole Blaq and _zenn are back, and I’m not missing my chance this time.

The three builds pictured above are the actual prizes for this contest (plus polybags). The first prize winner gets Cole Blaq’s amazing custom chromed speeder, shown below. Check out the Speeder Bike Group for full details. And since it is competing with so many other contests, the organizers have extended the deadline an extra day, to February 29th.

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