The Brothers Brick

A Song of Fire and Ice: Houses of Westeros

If there is one group of fans who have mastered the waiting game, it’s fans of George R. R. Martin’s A Song of Fire and Ice series. I was six when Game of Thrones was released; I may be retired before the seventh one hits publication. The epic series asks the ultimate question: who will sit on the iron throne?

Flickr user Omar Ovalle (Omar+Kazumi Ovalle) posted the words and emblems for some of the houses involved in the bloody struggle. These were posted over the summer, and hopefully will help the wait until Season 5 of HBO’s Game of Thrones in the spring.

Click the links to see some of your favorite house below; just remember to avoid getting too attached. They may not survive the next book.

House Baelish
House Baratheon
House Bolton
House Frey
House Greyjoy
House Lannister
House Martell
House Stark
House Tully
House Tyrell

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