The Brothers Brick

LEGO publishes The Brick magazine

I recently received a new publication from LEGO called The Brick, which is a magazine for adult readers that shares stories, news, and reports from the company.

I’ve learned much from this 90-page magazine that I would’ve never known even from years of building with LEGO bricks. Do you know what the net profit of the company was in the past three years? Does it surprise you that Bionicle is the most popular selling product line in Russia while roughly half of all castle sales went to the Japanese consumer? Learn more including info on the upcoming LEGO board games, working in the LEGO factory, and even coverage of the FIRST LEGO League. I’m happy to inform that the magazine is available to the public both in hard copy and electronic download. Enjoy!

If you’re requesting a copy of the magazine, we’d appreciate a mention that you’re are a reader of our blog. Thanks!

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