The Brothers Brick

BrickMania releases custom Panzer IV Ausf. G. LEGO tank kit [News]

LEGO Blacksmith ShopThe most frequent question we get from LEGO builders is How do I get blogged? But for all of you out there who read The Brothers Brick to see what we builders do, one of your most common questions is “Where can I buy that?” The answer is usually “You can’t.”

Daniel Siskind of BrickMania was one of the first LEGO fans to create and sell custom LEGO sets of his own design, way back in 1999 or 2000. After a five-year hiatus, Dan recently began producing new custom kits.

The Panzer IV Ausf. G. tank kit from World War II comes in Afrikakorps tan, with a unique BrickArms prototype MG42 machine gun.

Dan’s Panzer tank kit includes 690 pieces and sells for $99.95 with instructions on CD.

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