The Brothers Brick

Dear LEGO: We want 7979 Castle Advent Calendar!

UPDATE (9/26/08): You can order your copy of the set by following the directions in How to get your 7979 Castle Advent Calendar, currently at the top of the front page.

UPDATE (9/25/08): Limited quantities of this set will be made available on September 26 in the US and Canada.

We’ve recently received news from The LEGO Group that the much-anticipated holiday set 7979 Castle Advent Calendar will not be available in the United States (with ambiguity around its availability in other markets).

Just look at this gorgeous set, full of unique minifigs — including a jester, new witch, peasant woman, goblin, and dwarf:

7979 2008 Castle Advent Calendar

Naturally, the hue and cry from LEGO Castle fans was heard ’round the ‘net. I’m personally extremely disappointed, and and am therefore abusing my position as the Editor-in-Chief of this blog to rally the LEGO fan community and try to change LEGO’s mind.

Note: For those of you in continental Europe, 7979 Castle Advent Calendar has been confirmed for most of your markets. Elsewhere, there’s still some question about places like the UK, Australia, Canada, and Japan.

EDIT (TG): The set is presently available on Shop@Home for both the UK and Australia.

For those of you who’d like to let The LEGO Group know that you want this set, there are several ways you can communicate your wishes.

Just to be realistic for a moment, let’s not get our hopes up. It’s already very late in the year to be changing plans for a holiday set. Packaging requirements, for example, are different from market to market, and it may be too late to design, repackage, and ship this set to other markets.

Finally, for those of you on the fence about this, here’s the beautiful peasant woman:

Okay people, fan activism ON!

EDIT (AB): If you see an error when you try to vote, rest assured that your vote is still being counted. (For those who care, see my technical explanation in the comments below.)

[poll id=”13″]

EDIT (AB): Bumping this by a few hours so it stays on the front page a bit longer.

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