The Brothers Brick

Have The Brothers Brick sold out?!

No, but hosting a site that gets nearly 2 million hits a month isn’t free, so we’ve added a way for our loyal readers to help us out. ;-) The next time you buy LEGO from the LEGO Store online, please consider clicking through from first. If you do that, we get a (very small) percentage of the sale, which will help to cover costs like Web hosting.

So, if you appreciate what we do and want to show your support by helping us out, please consider buying some LEGO!

Q: The links don’t actually go to What’s with this business? Is this safe?

A: Yes, this is safe. The LEGO Store Affiliate Program uses a service from to give participants like us credit for our referrals. Once the service registers your click, you’ll be immediately redirected to

Q: Does share my personal information with LEGO or LinkShare?

A: No, in accordance with the Privacy Policy, we will never share your name, e-mail address, or other personal information with third parties.

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