The Brothers Brick

Announcing the BRICKNADO² contest winners!

By now, viewers on the “Feast Coast” are already chomping through the premiere of SyFy’s new action mystery sci-fi horror romantic comedy thriller cameo-tastic travesty SHARKNADO 3. And while those of you further West warm up your chainsaws, it’s time for us to spill the beans guts and reveal the winners of the Brothers Brick BRICKNADO² building contest.

“Under New Management” by mediumsnowman

“Easy Rider” by simplybrickingit

“Incoming!” by Mr. Brickman

We also have two honorable mentions: The Mick Fanning Premature Memorial award for biggest nod to a completely different shark movie goes to Томас Чижаускас for “Lincoln Hero”, and Sean Martin for “Hoff man, Hoff shark!”. Shame on you. Well done!


So congratulations and spoils to the winners. And buckets of chum for the losers. You were all great sports Andrew Avila, The Capitan, Chelsea Collings, jwarner1718, DaDudeDownDaStreet, Liwnik, DarthDee, Krzysztof Pusz, W. Navarre, Laurie Swicegood, Daniel Fortine, and Obby and Steve Guiness. Thanks to everybody for playing! And finally thanks to Arthur Gugick for the use of his inspirational White House model in our contest poster.

Well there it is, our dumbest idea since the last one. And now it is over.

Let us never speak of this again…

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