The Brothers Brick

Ask a Lemur – Loot, Public Displays & the TBB Compound

Greetings and Salutations, Dearest Readers!

I, the TBB intern, am here, as always, to answer any and all of your questions about LEGO, the fan community and The Brothers Brick. How was your week? Mine was outstanding.

Master Andrew informed me that I had been here long enough now to qualify for a day off. That’s right! An entire day to do whatever I wanted! Aren’t you jealous? Who gets something like that? This is such an awesome place.

It took me some time to figure what I wanted to do but then Carter pointed out that the next town over has a 24-hour All-You-Can-Eat Buffet. All-You-Can-Eat! Let me tell you, they hadn’t met me. It was the most awesome experience. I hitch-hiked over there and found the flickering neon sign. After paying Lois (“Have at it, Hon”, she said), I dove right in. It was so scrumptious. The massive fruit bar, the crusty little shrimps, the warm chocolate fountain, the texture of the napkins…it was the place of my dreams. I still haven’t fully recovered. Lemur has a big belly!

Anyway, that was my week. On to your questions!

You at the brothers brick are always giving away prizes, and holding contests. Where do you guys get your loot?

For the most part, funding for the “loot” that we give away comes from readers like you. The site is paid for by the Amazon and LEGO affiliate ads in our sidebar. Every time you buy something via our ads, the website receives a commission. It doesn’t matter what you buy and nothing is added to your purchase. We simply get a “cut” for directing you to there. Once the overhead of the site is covered, the remainder is funneled back into the community in a variety of ways. One of those is by providing prizes for our own contests or sponsoring contests that others run.

The more you click on our ads, the more we can sponsor events and such in the community. They also buy me more fruit and other yummy things but I’m not supposed to talk about that. Don’t worry about me, I’m fine!

Any tips on where and how to display your LUG’s creation for public display if there are no LEGO exhibitions in town?

This really varies by area, but local libraries are always a good place to start. Many of them have permanent display cases with rotating displays for people’s hobbies. Many also have free public meeting rooms that you can reserve and perhaps have a small public exhibition of your own. I have also heard of independent toy or hobby stores allowing local LEGO clubs to set up a window display.

Until recently the LEGO stores have allowed a permanent LUG display called “Window to the Community” but I hear that is mostly discontinued. However, it can’t hurt to ask. Another place to check is with any official local or city agencies. Some city halls or chambers of commerce have rotating display cases as well. Museums are yet another place to contact. They will probably be more picky about the subject matter but if your LUG can build something that fits within the museum’s genre, why not give it a try?

Why does the brothers brick need a compound to run a website? Or are they hiding something……

Well, basically just the normal things for which people need compounds. Each of the contributors has an office here, as well a suite of rooms for whenever they need to stay over. It’s basically a place that the contributors can let their hair down and be themselves. Each of them uses ‘TBB-2’ in slightly different ways, depending on their needs, though some uses overlap. Hiding from the paparazzi is a big one, especially for Simon. Ralph, of course, has his lab. That is best kept behind the locked gates of the compound anyway. Chris has turned his suite in a humongous gaming console. He seldom comes out or goes home. We do send a lot of take-out in there though. Caylin…well, she does strange things here. Let’s just say that after last time, I’m not allowed to talk about that.

So, anyway, I hope that answers your questions. I hope to see more of them this week!

A. Lemur

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