The Brothers Brick

Lugging Pt. 3: Actually lugging (tips, etiquette and activities)

Now that you’ve become interested in LEGO user groups (LUGs) because of “Lugging Pt. 1” and have found a LUG because of “Lugging Pt. 2“, you’re thinking about going to your first meeting (I cling to the delusion that I’ve solved everybody’s issues). Here are a few tips on how to gird your loins for battle:

Most LUGs have some activity or activities to get involved in, some structured, some not. Here are some of the possible things you may run across at a meeting:

Drafts are last, but definitely not least, they have been the core of my LUG’s monthly meeting so far, though we’ve branched out in recent meetings, just for some variety.
All you need:

  1. Enough boxes of a particular set for everybody
  2. Everyone participating buys a set
  3. Open everything up and sort by piece and color (bring lots of cups, trays and baggies)
  4. Determine an order for picking
  5. Everyone goes around in order and picks a particular pile of pieces until you run out (see below, photo courtesy of Ryan Wood)

There are variations, fun sub-plots to insert in the middle, different ways of determining the order, ways of dealing with the runt pieces and whatnot, but y’all can pick that up as you go along.

So what do you do if you either can’t find a LUG or the one you find bites? Try starting your own. That’s in the next and final installment of Lugging.

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